Retrieves a shopping cart based on id.
- An anonymous user can only retrieve an anonymous cart. Contact medium is not presented when retrieving a cart anonymously.
- A registered user (customer) can retrieve a cart associated with their own account, as well as an anonymous cart.
Depth and Expand:
Please consult with the TMF REST API Design guidelines for depth and expand at page 21 of TMF630 - API Design Guidelines
To support depth and expand, the depth directive and or an expand parameter is used in HTTP query parameters.
Depth-Query-Parameters : depth, β=β, Depth-Level
Expand-Query-Parameters : expand, β=β, Expand-Field
Depth-Level: The level upto fields should be expanded.
Expand-Field: The referenced fields to expand according to depth parameter.
The βdepthβ is used to expand the level of referenced (related) entities and an βexpandβ parameter is used to narrow down (filter) expanding of the referenced objects.
If expand is not specified then by default all the paths would be expanded.
The default value for depth directive depends on expand param. If expand parameter is set then depth is 1 otherwise depth is 0 (If depth is not specified).
In the following example the shoppingCart.cartItem is expanded up to the level of 2 as
specified by the depth parameter.
Example: /shoppingCart/3165d3c6-fcf1-465b-b850-ed4cbd6bf82e?expand=shoppingCart.cartItem&depth=2
Can be called by: user,m2m,customer,unauthenticated
Required roles: sc.view